Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Good Readers and Good Writers

I think that to be a good reader you have to have an open mind when beginning the book. One can't go into reading a book with a prejudice because then their experience and opinion of the book will be compromised.
Also, I think good readers should have a good imagination. Books can be extremely boring and dry if you don't have the imagination and creativity to create your own places that the author leads you to. It's kind of like building a house, the author can give you the bare materials and the structure, but you are the one to furnish and paint and decorate with your mind.
That is probably my favorite part of reading, the creation of people and places in your mind. Sometimes, if a book is interesting enough, the characters in it began to take shape in a more real life form, and I imagine their reactions and what they would do in response to situations I face.
Being a good writer, I would say, is alike to being a good reader. One must have a good imagination, especially if you are writing fiction. You have to create something that the readers can latch on to, something that gives them enough to start imagining, but not so much that their mind has nothing to create on their own.
Also, you must learn how to be honest in your writing. As a reader, I find that it is easier than you think it is to detect writing that is not honest, and that makes me automatically dislike a piece of writing.

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